The New Social Media – A Outlet for the Oppressed or Deceiving the Masses?

Posted by Derek J.Sowa | Posted in , , | Posted on 5:39 PM

“The difference between PR and social media is that PR is about positioning, and social media is about becoming, being and improving.” – Chris Brogan


socialmediaWhat is the true power behind social media and can it really make a difference in the world today? Recent protests in Egypt show one side of the true power behind social networking.  How a voice of one may overnight, or in a very short time, become amplified to reflect the voice of many. Having myself watched the speed and rise of the most popular social networking sites in the past decade, one has to wonder just what is the driving force behind social networking and how will it play into the next generation.

It really is quite fascinating at which the speed of social networking has grown.  From blogs to real time messages to Facebook, what is for sure to become the ultimate in social networking sites.  While the true potential behind Facebook is still to be discovered,  we can already see the ways in which it has influenced and changed the shape of the internet, and how it affects the lives of people from all around the world. 

In the internet world we see more and more sites becoming connected or associated with Facebook by the various means available.  We have like buttons, and share buttons, link buttons, and the list seems endless. Everyone want’s to be able to share their story with the world or through Facebook. Yet depending what side you represent, the way we share this information, may also be deceiving as is often the case with the Facebook (Like button). Those of us unfortunate enough to experience the sometimes unpleasantness of liking something on Facebook know all to well. Clicking on a button is not always what it may seem to be. Most times,  the real motive is not immediately known nor felt by the unsuspecting user. It only comes to light when perhaps the user’s friends demand that the unsuspecting user stop spamming their email account, or perhaps you find that something is suddenly not right with your computer. A word of advice… Stay away from the like button unless you know what it is you actually like.  Use the share button as it offers you more control over what it is you are sharing and others are less likely to be deceived.


Perhaps something greater than the deceptions though, is the power to bring people together where ever they may be and have their voice be heard throughout the world. From the current uprising in Egypt, to the cries for missing children around the world, social media has seems to have taken centre stage.  Unfortunately at this point, we’ll have to monitor closely how this will all play out in the long run.  In Egypt where censorship has once again taken control to try and shut off the voice of the people, social networking will prevail and the story will be told. With the introduction of social media, no one can stop the masses once the story is out there.  Let us remember, there is a great power behind the freedom of free speech and we must never let  the story be censored. That is the true power of social media and how it will change the world as we see it!

On Censorship - Comments Disabled

Posted by Derek J.Sowa | Posted in | Posted on 10:10 PM

As to the evil which results from a censorship, it is impossible to measure it, for it is impossible to tell where it ends.

A recent article from  the Globe and Mail caught my attention the other day. The story focuses on the arrest of  Buddy Tavares caught on video. Sound familiar? This is not the first time we have heard of our Canadian Mounties caught is some despicable act on tape, nor am I sure will it be the last. However, after reading the article a few thoughts did come to mind.
First I thought, not again, remembering a similar incident which happened not long ago with Robert Dziekanski.  Not knowing the whole story I read further and I could not believe what I witnessed after watching the video of the arrest.  Clearly it shows a man, Buddy Tavares, being arrested by the police slowly stepping out of his vehicle with his hands behind his head and immediately upon exiting his vehicle proceeds to kneel on the ground at the request of the officer . The officer, gun in hand then proceeds to walk up and bluntly kick Buddy Tavares squarely in the face for no apparent reason. My God!  It left my gut feeling abhorrent and desperately wanting to speak out against such atrocious behaviour on the part of the officer. As I found my way to the end of the article, I noticed that the comments had been disabled for this particular story. Now where have I seen that before?
The English dictionary describes censorship as the following:
1.  suppression of published or broadcast material: the suppression of all or part of a play, movie, letter, or publication considered offensive or a threat to security
2.  suppression of something objectionable: the suppression or attempted suppression of something regarded as objectionable
Seems to me that the media like to take sides in these sensitive issues, as this is not the first time I have come across such censorship.  I have seen it on other sites as well. The Globe cites legal reasons for shutting out comments, yet the raw video on You Tube  has comments enabled.  I remember even A&E  had censored and shut down a discussion on Dog The Bounty Hunter because they say there was to much profanity.  Hell, and I thought we live in a free  and democratic society? I say if you’re going to play that crap on TV, then be prepared and listen to what the people have to say. Same goes for reporting. What is the purpose of reporting a story if the people really have no say in it?
On the other end of the spectrum a article published in the Toronto Sun about a protester at the recent funeral of Police Sgt. Ryan Russell seemed all to eager to have comments enabled. Can someone explain to me what’s the big difference between the two articles is and just who does the media serve? I think it’s time that the media do what’s right and let the voice of the people be heard. Really… STOP THE CENSORSHIP! What is the harm? These days we can all watch in abundance the violence, sex and profanity right in our living rooms. YES … we as diplomatic citizens who pay taxes and have the right to vote should be able to voice our opinions or concerns where ever and when ever we feel over such material and not have our comments censored by the whim of some moral outlet. Let the voice of the people be heard no matter who’s  to blame. The truth does and always will prevail.