The World Today…

Posted by Derek J.Sowa | Posted in , , , , , , , , , | Posted on 12:50 PM

The world is a dangerous place to live; not because of the people who are evil, but because of the people who don't do anything about it. ~ Albert Einstein

Truly a remarkable statement. What  if anything has changed since that statement was made? Has society today become so complacent that we do not see the folly of our actions? Do we no longer care about the planet which we all inhabit, the air in which we all breath, or the water we all drink? Are we all so inclined to give up our liberties without so much as a word uttered in defence?

These days judging from the response, or "lack of" for better words, it would seem that a great majority of society is quite content in letting big corporations push us aside.  As corporations the world over continually pollute our water and air, poison our food, pollute and destroy the environment and rob the land of valuable resources for their own profit, the masses stand silently still. As society moves towards a controlled surveillance state, many people are giving up their personal freedoms and civil liberties knowingly, at a great cost to humanity.

Today, one only has to turn to the media to see a deep decline in our basic human rights and civil liberties. Big corporations continue to wage war for profit. Those of us left in their wake struggle to survive, and in our struggles are labelled, unwittingly eroding our personal freedoms. Yet the elite in plain view continue to collect huge profits from atrocities perpetrated on the unsuspecting, putting all of humanity in peril. Corporate minions who control the courts and media daily spew falsehoods in order to further their agenda of world dominance. Laws favouring big business and the elite are passed to enforce and enhance their dominance while at the same time suppressing dissent. Politicians are bought and sold as if commodities, elections rigged, banks rewarded for their criminal behaviour. Still, the masses stand quiet.

Today's Real Hero's, those who choose to speak against the establishment, are now being labelled as if having a mental illness, or in extreme cases even criminal, setting them apart from the so called norm. They are cast aside by their closest allies and discredited by those who wish to silence their dissent. Systematically, they are being separated from those who have chosen to remain silent in face of adversary, further enforcing the will of the elite. How can one call this criminal, when their only wishes are to see all of humanity have a share in the worlds resources? Who was given the power to make such a judgement?

Perhaps it is the fear of retribution which has kept so many silenced. Or perhaps the falsehoods we have grown accustomed to hearing on a daily basis have finally taken their toll. Whatever it may be that keeps humanity from speaking out against such atrocities committed around the globe, must come to an end if humanity is to survive. It's time we all come together to stop the hatred and violence perpetrated against us by those who's only agenda is reaping huge profits and world dominance. We must set aside our fears and aspire change. We must now learn to stand together and not be deceived in our thinking that a better world is possible. By standing together, we can make the world a better place for all of humanity. Failure to do so affects us all and will have a grave impact on future generations, if there is to be any.

A lot may be said of the world today. Our biggest fight however, is the fight for humanity. We only have to open our eyes and our minds to see the real extent of our continued silence.