"A Special Note From The Occupy Movement"

Posted by Derek J.Sowa | Posted in , , , | Posted on 9:31 AM

A nation's culture resides in the hearts and in the soul of its people ~ Mahatma Gandhi

172685-occupy-wall-street-moves-uptownAs a once proud Canadian, I have to admit that I’m somewhat disappointed in my fellow Canadian’s who seem content with the life they now live. (You Fuckin’ Pussies…) Stand up and be counted! As the world we currently live in seems to be rapidly deteriorating around us, very few seem to take note that as each day passes our freedoms erode to new heights. Corporations, Big Banks and an undemocratic and corrupt Government have conspired against us to their own agenda, while the working class suffer in their wake. The ruling class, using their puppets in the form of local television and media have been able to control the thoughts and minds of their minion’s, of which seem to sacredly worship all they see and hear.
Perhaps it’s the comfort they derive from their own materialistic attributes that they fail to see the world beyond their precious surroundings. They idly lay on their sofa’s gazing at some silly repeat of their favourite reality TV show, perhaps even pondering their next extravagant purchase of some useless item which has no purpose other than to upgrade their status, seemingly unaware of the atrocities committed almost daily throughout the entire world.  As they lavish in their contentment, millions of children worldwide cry out from poverty and hunger. Thousands more people die almost daily in unjust wars while millions more from all walks of life are oppressed. The environment is decaying as oil companies and big industries spew their toxic waste. Yet sadly, they see nothing!
As for those who do see and wish to make a difference, they only become further oppressed. Not only by their Government’s, but from their very own kind. (Their Family, Their Friends, Their Neighbours) The one’s who are content as long as it’s not their child starving or their family who is being killed in some unjust war. As long as they don’t have to drink tainted waters or breathe the air polluted by big industries. Yeah… as long as they are safe with all their amenities they have nothing much to say. For the time being they will side with their cohorts’ as long as it is favourable. Denouncing all those who strive for change!
317518_274730299215291_204904669531188_911586_69951692_nNow, for a moment imagine the shoe on the other foot? What if it was YOU who was being oppressed? What if it was your family who were being detained, or killed by some out of control Government? Sadly, it is! (Too bad you you’ve yet to notice.) WAKE (the fuck) UP!!! Get your heads out of the “Good Book” and have a look at the real world. It’s not as pretty as you may think!! Those of us trying to make a difference are not hoping to get a big pay check at the end of the day. We want what everyone should strive for. We demand Equality… A Responsible Government! A government who’s concerns are for the people who have put their trust in them to make a difference and not the corporations who abuse the system. If you wish to be silent… be sure to keep your trap shut when all of your freedoms have been quelled! Don’t jump the fence when your world turns sour… you may not like what you find on the other side!