“The Colors of Fall”

Posted by Derek J.Sowa | Posted in | Posted on 7:26 PM


It is not the strongest of the species that survives, nor the most intelligent that survives. It is the one that is the most adaptable to change. ~ Charles Darwin

The seasons change! Fall becomes Winter, Winter becomes Spring, Spring becomes Summer and the cycle repeats itself in endless fashion. Unrelenting, the seasons change year after year reminding us that change is inevitable. Yet when one looks closer is it really change we see, or is it just the  same endless seasons come back to fool us one more time?

Much like the politics of today… new faces replace the old, the strong replace the weak, new lies replace old and the change we seek is reminiscent of the colors of fall. We all can see the leaves change color and then their gone, buried deep beneath the glistening snow. Just like the many promises made day in and day out by those we entrust to bring about change, we are once again fooled into waiting yet another season, hoping for brighter days.

How long can one wait? In a world now plagued with corruption and deception at every level, can we really afford to stand idle and wait for the snow to disappear? For once the snow glistening with all it’s promise fades into spring  and has long passed away, what if anything has changed? With the coming of a new season, the sun will surely still shine, the grass will still grow, and the birds will once again sing their happy tune! However for the rest of humanity, I fear humanity will still be where it was before the snow came, looking once more for the colors of fall, the smell of decay strong on our nostrils.

If we are to save humanity and our frail planet, we need not wait for change, we must learn and strive with each passing day to make that change happen. Mankind can not afford to wait for the passing of the seasons any longer. We must now open our hearts and our minds to effect change. We must empower and educate our young so that they live each new season with joy and content. We must rid ourselves of all false hope being stowed upon us by those wising to enslave us, and learn to think freely for ourselves. We must put an end to all deception, the overwhelming greed of corporations, and the undying corruption, for it has no place among us. We must learn to show more compassion with all people and the world around us if we wish for effective change to take place. We are our only hope!

This very moment, as you stop to admire the colors of fall and the changing of yet another season, perhaps it is time you ask something of yourself… What change it is that you would like to see and work hard to make it happen. Only then will you truly enjoy the Colors of Fall.

Learn to look for and appreciate the love, beauty and kindness around you. It's there, but, you may have to change your thinking and behaviour to discover it!

Comments (1)

  1. Absolutely BRILLIANT !!