Awaiting Moderation…

Posted by Derek J.Sowa | Posted in , | Posted on 12:17 PM

Powerful words… Seems commonplace these days but what do these two words really mean? 

Yahoo Answers: It means it's been put in a queue for a moderator (i.e. a person who checks the comments) to read it and check it's fit to publish. Like anything with a human element, it varies: a few hours is reasonable.

moderationNot sure I would agree with the above answer, but you get the idea. Have you ever tried to comment on a ‘local or top news’ story only to see these two words appear? Frustrating is it not? Why do we even need a Moderator for public content? Do they not have scripts for omitting objectionable words that may be considered offensive? Who would even think that in todays technically advanced world we would even see these two words. After all, don’t they want to hear our side of the story? In most cases it would seem not! More and more news content posted these days seems to be moderated to the point where you must conform to their standards or not be heard at all. Seems like all big media do not like to play fair!

No matter where you go on the web today, it’s becoming commonplace to see these words, (or lack of in some cases) when ever you wish to have you say.  The hidden meaning behind these two simple words though is really more discriminating and should read: Comment Censored! Yes, censorship is everywhere these days which is a huge problem we all face.  Albeit, censorship in it’s worst form!  If we as a society are not even allowed to say what we may feel on news deemed worthy enough to go public, then we really are doomed.

Today, Censorship in it’s current form has become increasingly detrimental to sustaining a healthy society. If society is not freely allowed to share with one another their humble views on world issues, then it becomes a one sided street, with the advantage given to those who are in control… The Moderator. (aka The Media, The Government, and the Corporations who like nothing better than to supress the thoughts of those who in their eyes are deemed unworthy of an opinion)  In doing such, a dictatorship is formed and really, no one likes a dictator. Hence, this is the path we are on, spiralling out of control deep into the abyss of todays moderation.

“When you tear out a man's tongue, you are not proving him a liar, you're only telling the world that you fear what he might say.”
― George R.R. Martin, A Clash of Kings

There are many types and forms of moderation, each type shaped and moulded to suit the individual need.  Wikipedia describes moderation as the process of eliminating or lessening extremes. It is used to ensure normality throughout the medium on which it is being conducted.  Is that not censorship or is there even something more sinister at work here?  Read the description more carefully this time.  These two phrases jump out . (eliminating or lessening extremes, ensure normality throughout the medium) Sound’s to me like someone want’s to play GOD here! Oxford’s definition: the avoidance of excess or extremes, especially in one’s behaviour or political opinions. Although worded slightly different, still very powerful.  Myself, I find that kind of moderation to be deeply disturbing  if not downright controlling.

Moderation in another form may also be found today in many social media sites as the powers that be scramble desperately to try and stem the flow of discontent and solidarity happening all across the globe today. They fear the power of social media, and are now trying to curtail it’s use forcing  site owners to moderate it users content, and by enacting laws that will ultimately bring it’s demise. Modern day slavery? Perhaps, but disturbing none the less.  It’s this kind of moderation of society that is making a mockery of our democratic system and fuelling the flames for what is to surely come. What will happen then? When the voices of all the people are stifled by a selected few,  will there be anything left to say?  Can we as a society really afford to let that come to light? From all I have witnessed recently, it shall surely come to pass if society continues to sit idle and await further moderation!

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