Out From The Clouds - An Introduction

Posted by Derek J.Sowa | Posted in | Posted on 12:42 PM

"And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years." ~ Abraham Lincoln

In this world we can find ample opportunities to become enraged. One only has to open their eyes and step out from behind the clouds to see life and all of it's atrocities in it's true form. Yet even though we may open our eyes and try to comprehend the immeasurable amount of atrocities being committed on a daily basis through out the world, we feel compelled to ignore the obvious. Have we as human beings so become distant that we allow these atrocities to continue? Or have we really become so powerless as to put a stop to it?

For myself, having lived through many years of  tyranny and deceit, I admit I have much to be "pissed" about. (My innocence lost by the knowledge and wisdom I have gained in nearly half a century.) I wonder why is it our laws of the land seem to apply twofold giving the tyrants a free rein to continue to commit these heinous crimes against all of humanity? When will we rise up put and end to it, or is all hope now gone? Who are these tyrants and their conspirators? To what purpose and to what end will they continue their relentless pursuit? Who now is going to protect the innocent? After living most of my life desperately seeking clarification to many of these disturbing facts, I find myself still striving to find the answers. Where do we look and who now can we believe?

As wars rage on around the globe, it is the innocent who are left to suffer. As famine and natural destruction continue across many continents, the innocent suffer. As tyrannical leaders command great nations, the innocent suffer.Why is it that in a world as vast and diverse as the one we live, having such an abundance of wealth and resources that we share, it is the innocent who are made to suffer? Who are these people who have claimed all this wealth and resources only for themselves, leaving millions of people young and old from all walks of life abandoned and alone to suffer in silence, while they alone bask in what does not rightfully belong to them? It is questions such as these, that upon knowing the answer, make me "pissed" to say it politely.

Hence, came the name for my blog. My writing here will not be from standing behind the clouds, merely from what I would refer to as "out from the clouds". It will be truthful, honest, and may be respectful. My rants and raves will cover everything that leaves me feeling a little "pissed", while trying at times to add some humor. Unlike most other media who's self serving purpose is to assist the tyrants in deceiving all those who would believe that the atrocities being committed around the world are for the benefit of mankind. Perhaps we only need to shed more light on today's atrocities to make people more aware of the world around them. It is my hope that someday, people will stop hiding behind the clouds, open their eyes and help to protect the innocent who have been abandoned for so long. For the future of all mankind, we need to act. For if we can not see, perhaps then we have lost our way!

Matthew 5:5 Blessed are the meek: for they shall inherit the earth. 

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